Candace Fykes

Candace Fykes

Travel Blogger

Candace hails from New Jersey, but has considered Spain her new home for around three years.

She writes some great articles over on her blog, with a fresh perspective on expat life in Spain, injected with plenty of personality and humour.

I think this excerpt gives a little flavour of Candace:

“Her response stopped me in my tracks. And to this day has been the essential to my personal philosophy on living.

She said simply that she had chosen to live abroad so that she could blame her “strangeness on being from someplace else.”

I was dumbstruck. And in awe. And delighted. Somehow in a literal pile of trash, I had found someone who had so expertly outlined a way to navigate for people like me who felt like perpetual outsiders.

Most of us who live our lives feeling a little “off” or distinct from other people, spend just as long trying to hide it. Or we settle into ourselves and choose only to interact with the outside world only when utterly necessary.”


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