If you’re looking for a unique travel experience that promotes sustainability and responsible tourism practices, Burkina Faso should be at the top of your list. This West African country is full of natural wonders, vibrant culture, and welcoming locals who are committed to preserving their environment and heritage. Our Burkina Faso Sustainable Travel Guide will provide you with the tools and tips you need to explore this beautiful country with an eco-conscious mindset.

  • Discover how to travel sustainably and responsibly in Burkina Faso
  • Learn about eco-friendly travel tips and responsible tourism practices
  • Explore sustainable attractions and accommodations
  • Engage with sustainable community initiatives during your trip
  • Make a positive impact while creating unforgettable travel memories

Embracing Sustainable Travel in Burkina Faso

Travelling sustainably in Burkina Faso is not only good for the environment but also for the local communities. Here are some eco-friendly travel tips to help you explore this beautiful country responsibly and ethically.

  • Use reusable bags and water bottles instead of buying single-use plastic.
  • Opt for public transportation or walking instead of taking taxis.
  • Choose accommodations that prioritize sustainability and social responsibility.
  • Respect the local culture and traditions, and ask for permission before taking photographs.
  • Support local businesses, artisans, and community initiatives.

By following these eco-friendly travel tips, you can minimize your environmental impact and support responsible tourism in Burkina Faso.

Responsible Tourism in Burkina Faso

Responsible tourism is about making a positive impact on the places you visit and the people who call them home. In Burkina Faso, responsible tourism practices include:

  • Supporting conservation efforts in national parks and nature reserves.
  • Engaging with local communities and participating in sustainable development projects.
  • Choosing locally-run accommodations and restaurants.
  • Purchasing handmade crafts directly from local artisans.

By embracing responsible tourism practices, you can enhance your travel experience while contributing to sustainable development in Burkina Faso.

“Travelling sustainably is not about sacrificing your comfort or experience, but rather about making a conscious effort to minimize your impact and support responsible tourism.”

Eco-friendly travel tips in Burkina Faso

Now that you have some eco-friendly travel tips and knowledge about responsible tourism in Burkina Faso, you can make a positive impact during your trip. By choosing to embrace sustainable travel practices, you are not only helping to preserve the country’s natural and cultural heritage but also promoting a better future for the local communities. Happy travels!

Discovering Sustainable Attractions in Burkina Faso

If you’re looking to explore the natural beauty of Burkina Faso while promoting sustainable tourism, there are plenty of sustainable attractions and eco-tours to choose from. From national parks to cultural sites, there is something for every eco-conscious traveller.

Explore Burkina Faso’s National Parks and Nature Reserves

One of the best ways to experience the country’s natural beauty is through its national parks and nature reserves. These protected areas are home to a range of wildlife, including elephants, lions, and hippos. Some of the most popular parks include:

Park Location
Arly National Park South-eastern Burkina Faso
Nazinga Game Ranch South-western Burkina Faso
W National Park North-western Burkina Faso

When visiting these parks, it’s important to follow responsible tourism practices, such as not littering and respecting the flora and fauna.

Immerse Yourself in Burkina Faso’s Culture with Eco-Tours

Another way to experience sustainable tourism in Burkina Faso is through eco-tours that focus on cultural immersion and community engagement. These tours allow you to learn about local customs and traditions while supporting sustainable development initiatives. Some of the most popular eco-tours in Burkina Faso include:

  • The Village of Bazoulé – This tour takes you to a village where you can learn about traditional African dance, drumming, and mask-making.
  • Moro-Naba Palace – Visit the palace of the Mossi King to learn about the history and culture of the Mossi people.
  • Soum Province Tour – Explore the traditional architecture and handicrafts of the region, including basket weaving and pottery.

Eco-Tours in Burkina Faso

By participating in these tours, you can support sustainable community initiatives and help local communities thrive.

Overall, there are many sustainable attractions and eco-tours to discover in Burkina Faso. By choosing responsible tourism practices and supporting sustainable development initiatives, you can make a positive impact while enjoying all that this vibrant country has to offer.

Choosing Sustainable Accommodation Options

If you’re looking for sustainable accommodation options in Burkina Faso, you’ll be delighted to know that there are plenty of eco-conscious hotels to choose from. These establishments prioritize environmental sustainability and social responsibility, ensuring that your stay has a positive impact on the local community and environment.

Eco Burkinabé Lodge is a perfect example of one of the many sustainable accommodation options available. This secluded lodge is located in the heart of the Sahel region and offers a unique experience to guests. The lodge has been designed to blend in with the environment while minimizing its ecological footprint. It also sources its food locally and engages with the local community to promote sustainable development.

Accommodation Location Features
Laico Ouaga 2000 Ouagadougou Environmentally friendly practices, energy-efficient systems, eco-certified spa
Kibidwé Lodge Kourweogo Province Organic farm-to-table restaurant, solar power, locally sourced building materials
Pousada Eco-Lodge Banfora Renewable energy, organic garden, community outreach programs

These are just a few examples of the many sustainable accommodation options available in Burkina Faso. By choosing eco-conscious travel options, you can enjoy your trip while supporting ethical practices in the tourism industry.

sustainable accommodation options

As responsible travellers, it is important to consider the impact of our trips on the local communities we visit. By supporting sustainable community initiatives in Burkina Faso, we can contribute to the social and economic development of the country while promoting ethical travel practices.

One way to support sustainable community initiatives is to engage with local artisans. Burkina Faso is known for its rich handicrafts, from textiles to pottery to jewellery. By purchasing items directly from local artisans and markets, we can support their livelihoods and ensure the preservation of traditional crafts.

Another way to contribute to sustainable community initiatives is to participate in responsible volunteering programs. These programs focus on initiatives such as community development, education, and environmental conservation. By volunteering with reputable organizations, we can support long-term sustainable development projects and make a positive impact on the communities we visit.

Finally, supporting sustainable community tourism initiatives is another way to promote ethical travel practices. These initiatives focus on community-based tourism projects that provide alternative sources of income for local communities, while also preserving their cultural heritage and natural environment. By participating in these initiatives, we can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the local culture while supporting sustainable tourism practices.

Remember, when supporting sustainable community initiatives, it is important to do so in a responsible and respectful way. Always seek out reputable organizations and avoid exploitative or harmful activities.

Ethical Travel Practices in Burkina Faso

“Tourism can be a double-edged sword for developing countries, but it can also be an opportunity to support local communities and promote sustainable development. By engaging in responsible and sustainable travel practices, we can make a positive impact on the people and places we visit.”


In conclusion, our Burkina Faso Sustainable Travel Guide has provided you with valuable insights on how to travel responsibly and sustainably in Burkina Faso. By embracing eco-friendly travel tips, supporting sustainable attractions, choosing sustainable accommodation options, and engaging with community initiatives, you can make a positive impact while exploring this vibrant country.

Join us in promoting sustainable tourism in Burkina Faso

We encourage you to join us in promoting sustainable tourism in Burkina Faso. By travelling responsibly and supporting ethical practices, we can help preserve the natural and cultural heritage of this remarkable country for future generations to enjoy.

Thank you for choosing to travel sustainably and responsibly in Burkina Faso. We hope that you have an unforgettable travel experience while making a positive impact on the environment and local communities.


What is sustainable travel?

Sustainable travel, also known as eco-conscious or responsible tourism, refers to the practice of traveling in a way that minimizes negative environmental, social, and cultural impacts. It involves adopting eco-friendly travel tips, supporting local communities, and preserving the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the destination.

Why is sustainable travel important in Burkina Faso?

Sustainable travel is important in Burkina Faso to protect its rich biodiversity, support local livelihoods, and promote the responsible management of natural resources. By practicing sustainable travel, you can help preserve the country’s unique ecosystems and contribute to the sustainable development of local communities.

What are some eco-friendly travel tips for Burkina Faso?

Some eco-friendly travel tips for Burkina Faso include minimizing plastic waste by using reusable water bottles and shopping bags, conserving water and energy in accommodations, respecting wildlife and cultural sites, and supporting local businesses and artisans.

What are sustainable attractions in Burkina Faso?

Burkina Faso offers sustainable attractions such as national parks, nature reserves, and cultural sites. These places allow visitors to experience the country’s natural beauty and cultural heritage while supporting conservation efforts and eco-tourism initiatives.

How can I choose sustainable accommodation options in Burkina Faso?

To choose sustainable accommodation options in Burkina Faso, look for hotels, lodges, and guesthouses that prioritize environmental sustainability and social responsibility. Consider factors such as energy efficiency, waste management, local sourcing of products, and engagement with the local community.

How can I support sustainable community initiatives in Burkina Faso?

You can support sustainable community initiatives in Burkina Faso by engaging with local artisans, participating in responsible volunteering programs, and contributing to sustainable development projects. This helps empower local communities, preserve traditional crafts, and promote economic development in a sustainable manner.

VIP – please note that Burkina Faso is not considered a very safe place to visit currently.

You may also like to find out about Burkina Faso’s Green Building History.