If you’re wondering, “Is Cape Verde safe to visit?” rest assured that this enchanting destination is generally considered a safe place for travelers. With its stunning natural landscapes, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality, Cape Verde is a haven for those seeking a memorable vacation experience.

  • Cape Verde is generally considered a safe destination with a low incidence of crime.
  • Exercise normal precautions, especially in areas such as Praia where increased caution is advised.
  • Be mindful of your surroundings and avoid displaying signs of wealth.
  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) and have a contingency plan for emergencies.
  • Take precautions against pickpocketing and purse snatching, especially in crowded areas and during festivals.

While Cape Verde offers a safe environment for travelers, it’s important to take necessary safety measures and be aware of local laws and customs. By staying vigilant, respecting the local culture, and following basic safety precautions, you can fully enjoy your time in this captivating destination.

Crime in Cape Verde

While Cape Verde has a low incidence of crime, it’s important for visitors to be aware of potential risks and take necessary precautions. The overall safety situation in Cape Verde is generally positive, with a low crime rate compared to other destinations. However, it’s advisable to exercise caution, particularly in areas such as Praia, where an increased risk of crime exists.

Visitors are advised to practice common sense safety measures, such as keeping an eye on their personal belongings and avoiding displaying signs of wealth. It’s recommended to enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive important updates and emergency notifications. Having a contingency plan for unexpected situations is also advisable.

Demonstrations can occur in Cape Verde, and it’s best to avoid areas where these gatherings are taking place. It’s important to stay informed about the local situation and follow the guidance of local authorities. Additionally, visitors should be cautious of weather and climate-related safety issues, such as strong currents and treacherous sea conditions. Paying attention to safety warnings and adhering to the advice of local authorities is crucial.

Crime in Cape Verde

In crowded areas and during festivals, visitors should take precautions against theft and pickpocketing. Securing personal belongings, avoiding public displays of affluence, and being vigilant when visiting crowded markets can help prevent incidents. Reliable taxis hailed from hotels are a safe transportation option, while driving after dark is not recommended.

It’s also essential for visitors to be aware of local laws and customs. This includes obtaining permission before taking pictures of people and respecting public eating customs. Drug offenses are taken seriously in Cape Verde, and severe penalties are imposed. It’s crucial to comply with local laws and avoid any involvement with illegal substances.

Basic medical facilities are available in Cape Verde, but specialized care may require medical evacuation. Visitors should take precautions against illnesses such as Dengue fever and malaria, and be aware of diseases transmitted by insects and freshwater sources. It is also advisable to take precautions against sexually transmitted infections and practice safe hygiene.

In summary, while Cape Verde is generally considered a safe destination, visitors should exercise caution, be aware of their surroundings, and take necessary safety measures during their stay. By following these guidelines, visitors can enjoy their time in Cape Verde while minimizing potential risks.

General Safety Precautions

To ensure a safe and enjoyable trip, it’s advisable to follow these general safety precautions during your stay in Cape Verde. While Cape Verde is generally considered a safe destination, it is important to exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings.

Here are some key safety tips to keep in mind:

  1. Avoid displaying signs of wealth or carrying large amounts of cash. Keep your valuables secured and out of sight.
  2. Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive important safety updates and make a contingency plan for emergency situations.
  3. Be cautious when visiting crowded areas and during festivals, as pickpocketing and purse snatching can occur. Keep a close eye on your personal belongings and avoid public displays of affluence.
  4. Use reliable taxis hailed from hotels for transportation. Driving after dark is not recommended due to limited street lighting and road conditions.
  5. Respect the local laws and customs. Obtain permission before taking pictures of people and be mindful of local etiquette, such as avoiding public eating.
  6. Be aware that drug offenses are taken seriously in Cape Verde, and severe penalties apply. Avoid any involvement with drugs or illegal activities.
  7. Take necessary precautions against diseases transmitted by insects and freshwater sources. Use insect repellent, protect yourself from mosquito bites, and drink bottled or purified water.
  8. Ensure you have travel insurance that covers medical expenses and consider medical evacuation options for specialized care if needed. Basic healthcare facilities are available, but advanced medical treatment may require evacuation.

By following these general safety precautions, you can have a safe and memorable trip to Cape Verde. Remember to always stay vigilant and be proactive in safeguarding your well-being.

Cape Verde Safety Tips

By following these safety tips for tourists, you can have peace of mind while exploring the beautiful landscapes of Cape Verde.

1. Be aware of your surroundings: While Cape Verde is generally safe, it is always important to remain vigilant and aware of your surroundings. Avoid walking alone at night, especially in poorly lit areas, and be cautious when using public transportation.

2. Secure your personal belongings: Pickpocketing can occur, particularly in crowded tourist areas and during festivals. Keep your valuables close to you and avoid displaying signs of wealth. Consider using a money belt or a secure bag to keep your belongings safe.

3. Choose safe transportation options: When traveling within Cape Verde, it is recommended to rely on reliable taxis hailed from hotels or reputable taxi companies. Avoid driving after dark, as road conditions can be challenging and poorly lit.

4. Respect local laws and customs: Familiarize yourself with the local laws and customs of Cape Verde to avoid any legal issues or cultural misunderstandings. For example, always ask for permission before taking pictures of people, and avoid public eating during the holy month of Ramadan.

5. Take precautions against climate issues: Cape Verde is known for its strong currents and treacherous sea conditions. Always heed warning signs, and only swim in designated areas. Additionally, be prepared for extreme weather conditions, such as high temperatures and strong winds, by wearing appropriate clothing and staying hydrated.

By following these safety tips and taking necessary precautions, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable visit to Cape Verde. Remember to stay informed about any travel advisories or updates before your trip, and always prioritize your well-being.

safety in Cape Verde

While enjoying the stunning beaches and waters of Cape Verde, it’s important to stay informed about any weather conditions or strong currents that could pose risks. The archipelago experiences a tropical climate, with warm temperatures year-round. However, between August and October, Cape Verde is susceptible to hurricanes and tropical storms. Visitors should monitor weather forecasts and heed any warnings or advisories issued by local authorities.

Treacherous sea conditions can also be a concern in Cape Verde. Strong currents, known as rips, can be found along certain beaches. It is important to swim only in designated areas with lifeguards and to follow their instructions. If you are not a confident swimmer, it is advisable to refrain from entering the water.

To ensure your safety, familiarize yourself with the flag system used on Cape Verdean beaches. A green flag indicates safe conditions for swimming, while a yellow flag signals caution. A red flag means that swimming is prohibited due to dangerous conditions. Always obey these flags and seek advice from local authorities or lifeguards if in doubt.

Table: Cape Verde Beach Flag System

Flag Color Meaning
Green Safe for swimming
Yellow Exercise caution
Red Swimming prohibited

Remember, the safety of yourself and others should always be a priority. It is important to respect the power of the sea and to take necessary precautions when enjoying the beautiful coastal areas of Cape Verde.

Cape Verde beach

To protect yourself from theft and pickpocketing, it’s essential to be vigilant and take necessary precautions, particularly in crowded areas and during festivals. Cape Verde is generally considered a safe destination, but like any other place, it’s important to stay aware of your surroundings and take steps to safeguard your belongings.

When visiting crowded markets or attending festivals, keep your personal belongings secure and avoid displaying signs of affluence. Pickpocketing and purse snatching can occur in these busy environments, so it’s advisable to carry a bag that can be worn across the body and keep wallets and phones in front pockets.

It’s also recommended to avoid carrying large amounts of cash and valuable jewelry. Instead, use a secure money belt or pouch to keep your money and important documents close to your body. Ensure that your accommodation has a safe or lockbox to store any valuables. Remember to keep your room locked when you’re not present.

Top Tips to Avoid Theft and Pickpocketing
1. Keep your belongings secure and avoid displaying signs of wealth.
2. Use a bag that can be worn across the body and keep wallets and phones in front pockets.
3. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash and valuable jewelry.
4. Use a money belt or pouch to keep your money and important documents close to your body.
5. Ensure your accommodation has a safe or lockbox to store valuables.
6. Keep your room locked when you’re not present.

By following these safety tips and taking necessary precautions, you can enjoy your time in Cape Verde without worrying about theft or pickpocketing incidents.

pickpocketing prevention

Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry, so stay alert, keep your belongings secure, and enjoy your visit to beautiful Cape Verde!

Local Laws and Customs

Familiarizing yourself with the local laws and customs is crucial for a safe and respectful experience in Cape Verde. While the country is generally considered safe for visitors, it is important to be aware of certain rules and traditions to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip.

Cape Verde has a rich cultural heritage, and locals take pride in their customs and traditions. It is advisable to dress modestly when exploring the islands, particularly when visiting religious sites or rural communities. When taking pictures of people, always ask for permission first to respect their privacy and cultural norms.

As a visitor, it is important to be mindful of public etiquette. Avoid public displays of affection, as they can be considered inappropriate. Additionally, it is customary to greet people with a handshake and use polite language when interacting with locals. Respect for the elderly is highly valued in Cape Verdean society.

When it comes to dining, be aware that it is considered impolite to eat or drink in public during Ramadan, the Islamic holy month. If you are visiting during this time, it is recommended to eat in private or at designated dining areas to show respect for those observing the fast.

By respecting the local laws and customs, you contribute to a positive cultural exchange and ensure a safe and enjoyable visit to the beautiful islands of Cape Verde.

Cape Verde Safety Tips

While basic medical facilities are available in Cape Verde, it’s important to be prepared and take necessary precautions for any healthcare needs that may arise during your trip. Medical facilities in Cape Verde may not meet the standards of healthcare you are accustomed to, especially in more remote areas. Therefore, it is advisable to carry a comprehensive travel insurance policy that covers medical expenses, including emergency repatriation.

If you have a pre-existing medical condition or require specialized care, it is recommended to consult with your healthcare provider before traveling to Cape Verde. They can provide guidance on managing your condition while abroad and may recommend specific precautionary measures to take.

To ensure your safety and well-being, it’s essential to practice good hygiene and take precautions against common illnesses. Cape Verde is prone to diseases transmitted by insects, such as Dengue fever and malaria. It is advisable to use insect repellent, wear protective clothing, and sleep under mosquito nets to minimize the risk of infection. Additionally, be cautious when consuming food and water, as some areas may have limited access to safe drinking water. It is recommended to drink bottled water and avoid consuming uncooked or undercooked food.

Emergency Numbers Healthcare Facilities
Emergency Services: 132 Hospital Agostinho Neto (Praia)
Police: 132 Hospital Baptista de Sousa (Mindelo)

It is important to note that Cape Verdean authorities may require proof of yellow fever vaccination if you are arriving from a country with a risk of transmission. Make sure to check the latest vaccination requirements before traveling.

medical facilities

By taking these necessary precautions and being proactive about your healthcare needs, you can enjoy a safe and healthy trip to Cape Verde. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider, travel with comprehensive insurance, and follow local guidelines to ensure a worry-free experience.

Drug Offenses and Legal Considerations

It’s crucial to understand the severity of drug offenses and be well-informed about the local laws to ensure a safe and legal trip to Cape Verde. The possession, use, trafficking, and cultivation of drugs are illegal in Cape Verde, and the penalties can be severe. Engaging in drug-related activities can lead to lengthy prison sentences, hefty fines, and even deportation.

Visitors should be aware that drug offenses are taken very seriously in Cape Verde, and law enforcement authorities actively enforce anti-drug laws. There have been instances where individuals, including tourists, have been arrested and prosecuted for drug-related crimes. It is important to refrain from any involvement with drugs and to avoid any association with individuals involved in drug activities.

Additionally, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with local laws and customs to ensure your actions do not inadvertently violate any regulations. Always carry identification documents, such as your passport, as it may be required by law enforcement officials. Respect the local culture, customs, and traditions, and be mindful of your behavior in public spaces.

Drug Offenses in Cape Verde Possible Penalties
Drug possession Up to 3 years imprisonment
Drug trafficking Up to 20 years imprisonment
Drug cultivation Up to 10 years imprisonment
Drug consumption Fines and possible imprisonment

Remember, the best way to stay safe is to avoid any involvement with drugs and to always comply with the laws and regulations of the country you are visiting. By respecting the local laws and customs, you can ensure a pleasant and trouble-free experience during your stay in Cape Verde.

Cape Verde drug offenses


In conclusion, while Cape Verde is generally considered a safe destination, it’s important for visitors to exercise caution, be aware of their surroundings, and take necessary safety measures to ensure a memorable and secure trip. The incidence of crime in Cape Verde is relatively low, but certain areas, like Praia, require increased caution due to the risk of crime. It is advisable to enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) and have a contingency plan in case of emergencies.

Visitors should also be mindful of safety precautions in relation to weather and climate. Cape Verde can experience strong currents and treacherous sea conditions, so it’s crucial to adhere to safety guidelines when engaging in water-related activities. Additionally, theft and pickpocketing can occur, particularly in crowded areas and during festivals. To avoid such incidents, it is recommended to secure personal belongings, avoid public displays of affluence, and remain vigilant in crowded markets.

Understanding local laws and customs is another important aspect of staying safe in Cape Verde. Visitors should seek permission before taking photographs of people and be respectful of cultural norms, such as avoiding public eating. It’s essential to note that drug offenses are treated seriously in Cape Verde, with severe penalties applying. Visitors must refrain from engaging in any illegal activities and adhere to local laws at all times.

For healthcare and medical safety, basic medical facilities are available, but specialized care may require medical evacuation. It is advisable for visitors to take precautions against illnesses like Dengue fever and malaria, as well as be aware of diseases transmitted by insects and freshwater sources. Moreover, practicing safe hygiene and taking precautions against sexually transmitted infections is crucial for maintaining good health during the trip.

In summary, Cape Verde presents a wonderful destination for travellers, with its natural beauty and vibrant culture. By remaining vigilant, following safety guidelines, and respecting local customs, visitors can have a memorable and secure experience in this enchanting archipelago.


Is Cape Verde a safe destination to visit?

Yes, Cape Verde is generally considered a safe place to visit, with a low incidence of crime. However, visitors should still exercise normal precautions and be aware of their surroundings.

Are there any areas in Cape Verde that require increased caution?

Yes, increased caution is advised in areas such as Praia due to the risk of crime. Visitors should be mindful of their personal safety and take necessary precautions in these areas.

What safety precautions should I take while in Cape Verde?

It is recommended to exercise normal precautions, avoid displaying signs of wealth, and be aware of your surroundings. Enrolling in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) and making a contingency plan for emergencies is also advisable.

Are there any climate-related safety issues in Cape Verde?

Yes, there can be strong currents and treacherous sea conditions in Cape Verde. Visitors should be cautious and take necessary safety measures when engaging in water activities.

How can I avoid theft and pickpocketing in Cape Verde?

To avoid theft and pickpocketing, it is important to secure your personal belongings, avoid public displays of affluence, and be vigilant in crowded areas and during festivals.

What local laws and customs should I be aware of?

Visitors should obtain permission before taking pictures of people and avoid public eating. It is also important to be aware that drug offenses are taken seriously in Cape Verde, and severe penalties apply.

What healthcare facilities are available in Cape Verde?

Basic medical facilities are available in Cape Verde, but for specialized care, medical evacuation may be necessary. Visitors should also take necessary precautions against illnesses such as Dengue fever and malaria.

Are there any legal considerations I should be aware of?

Visitors should be aware that drug offenses are taken seriously in Cape Verde, and severe penalties apply. It is important to abide by local laws and regulations to ensure your safety.

Is driving after dark recommended in Cape Verde?

No, driving after dark is not recommended in Cape Verde. It is safer to rely on reliable taxis hailed from hotels for transportation.

What is the overall safety situation in Cape Verde?

Cape Verde is generally considered a safe destination, but visitors should exercise caution, be aware of their surroundings, and take necessary safety measures during their stay.

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