Cambrils Carnival

Cambrils Carnival-Carnestoltes

Festival Date: 6th to 13th February 2024 TBC

In Cambrils the carnival came back into being in 2009, which although it took longer than some other towns, by 2013 it had 23 different “comparsas” taking part. The comparsas are the different groups or gangs of the town. They will prepare their costumes for carnival for quite a long time before the carnival actually takes place – there’s lots of pride and competition involved!

Carnival always happens 40 days or so before Lent, so always double check the dates of whatever town you plan to visit, as they do differ a bit. In Cambrils, there’s the welcoming of the Carnival King, Carnestoltes, a great parade and on Ash Wednesday the burial of the sardine.

If you would like to know more about the origins of carnival here and what it’s all about, click here on Carnivals in Catalonia

By the way, in case you’re not that familiar with Cambrils, it’s one of the destinations that has been awarded the Family Holiday Destination seal of quality by the Catalan Government and when you visit, it’s obvious why. Find out more about Cambrils in the Cambrils Travel Guide.

Cambrils Tourism
Paseo de las Palmeras, 1
Cambrils 43850
Phone: 977 79 23 07

(Town Hall) Ajuntament de Cambrils
Plaça de Ajuntament 4
Cambrils 43850
Phone: 977 794 579

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